Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lacrosse Warrior

Yes. Me. Well, not really.

My sister talked me into joining her lacrosse team this year. It seemed like a GREAT idea a couple of months ago when I registered. Right now, it doesn't seem like such a great idea. Our first game is tonight. I have NEVER played lacrosse. I just got my lacrosse stick last night and tried catching the ball etc. It is not going to be pretty.

I feel like a kid again. Not in a good way. In the way where I was shy and unsure about joining the kids I didn't know in a game I knew I wouldn't be great at. I hope they don't laugh at me, I hope they like me, I hope I don't get killed by the hard (did I mention it is a REALLY hard ball?) ball that will be whipped at me at very fast speeds to which I am supposed to catch it in this really small basket attached to the end of a stick that offers me very little protection.

I am afraid, I don't feel like a lacrosse warrior, I feel like a lacrosse wimp. Stay tuned tomorrow to see how it turned out. If I don't post you will know I have been attacked and am injured from one of those lacrosse warrior princesses. Eeeek!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I am very diligent when it comes to sunscreen. My boys have never been outdoors, summer or winter (or fall or spring for that matter) without sunscreen. So yesterday I lathered them up with the protective sunscreen and we spent the day outside. All day. Ummm, I am a bit of a moron though, because I didn't put ANY sunscreen on myself...I haven't been without sunscreen in about 7 years....can you say burnt!

I am sporting a super hot farmer's tan. I won't be forgetting it again that is for sure!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day of Fun

My husband and I started this tradition the first year we were together. Instead of buying each other presents for our birthdays we would have a "Day of Fun". The idea is that if it is DH's birthday I pick a day, plan it from beginning to end and surprise him with it. We don't splurge very often on doing things so this is something we get to do twice a year and not feel guilty about spending the money to do it...because it is a present of sorts.

We have done all kinds of things, taking the ferry to Rochester for a weekend, spent the day at Wakestock, all kinds of fun things.

Yesterday was my day of fun. Oh my lord, did I have FUN, and oh my lord am I TIRED today! LOL.

It started as soon as we dropped the kids off at school. We left the school went to Starbucks and had a great yummy coffee and muffin. Continued driving to Oakville (around an hour 15 minutes from here) and I was surprised with an hour massage and body relaxing. I was massaged with this great body scrub then rinsed and massaged for an hour. FANTASTIC! Then we were off again to Niagara Falls. We went to the casino, had lunch and played the slots for half an hour or so (left $17 up woohoo!). Then we pulled up to the only indoor windtunnel in Canada, we (fake) sky dived for a half an hour or so, it was AWESOME! I have a DVD of me skydiving, if I figure out how to put it on the computer I will so you can see, it was so much fun. We left there went to Niagara on the Lake and just enjoyed the gorgeous day, and shopped in a few of the stores (it really is a beautiful little town). Left there and raced to Toronto, parked and grabbed a hotdog from one of the street vendors (I HATE hotdogs normally but it really hit the spot last night lol). The final surprise of the night was getting to see We Will Rock was a fantastic show. If you love the music of Queen (which I do) you will really enjoy this musical. Finally we drove home and boy did I sleep well (the boys stayed at my mom and dad's for the night) .

The best part about this whole adventure is that the whole thing was a surprise, I never know what I am doing next. DH did a great job this year, I am going to have to start planning his soon.

This tradition has been adopted by both my sister's and their husbands. It is a bit of a joke in our family, we don't exchange presents...we exchange day's of fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bachelorette Weekend

This weekend is my sister's bachelorette weekend. Instead of having a traditional bachelorette (you know, clubs, strippers, copious amounts of alcohol) the MOH and I thought she would rather go away to a resort for the weekend. We are going to Blue Mountain in Collingwood, for a weekend filled with massages, other spa treatments, hot tubs, girl movies, reading and perhaps some nice wine.

I can't wait. It has been a long time since I have had a weekend away without my hubby and kids. I am sure we will play some silly games too, and have good food to cap the weekend off. I am going to miss my boys, but I am excited about having a fun weekend away too :)
If anyone has any suggestions for fun games, please share them with me, thanks!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just Found an Easter Egg

As we do every year my DH and I hide about a million of the foil wrapped Easter eggs. Every year we say,next year we are going to remember to count how many we hid so we will know we got them all. Every year we forget.

I just found two Easter eggs in my baking cupboard. LOL.

Next year we are REALLY going to count them all.


Thanks for all of the supportive comments lately, I needed them:)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Apologies

I am just posting this as an apology to anybody I offended with my last post. I posted about my "master plan" . I only posted it as a lighthearted jest, and from the comments I have recieved I now realize that they were not very sensitive.

There are a couple of lovely women that have posted comments who actually have adopted children and I cannot express enough how wonderful I think they are. I think it is a great thing to adopt children and create a new family with them. A very, very good friend of mine has recently adopted a daughter and I see how strong she is and what a wonderful future she has given that little girl. What a gift.

As one other person commented on my post I should "step over my white picket fence" and see what the world is really like. I know what the world is really like and I perhaps felt my blog was an okay place for me to joke around in, I understand to some people this isn't a joke and I do feel very badly that I offended them.

If I knew more about blogs and knew how to post links to the lovely ladies that commented on my posts, I would..but I am a newbie and don't, so go look at the comments and click on their names and visit their blogs, they are really interesting and motivating.

One last question that was asked of me was why I didn't feel like I could adopt a child. The answer to that is hard, I don't know if I am a strong enough person to go through the ups and downs of adopting. My girlfriend who has recently adopted the daughter I mentioned has gone through many, many downs and stressful times before actually recieving the great gift that is her daughter. I also don't know if I could afford (financially) to have more children.

I hope I haven't rambled too much...this is my first internet apology so I hope it was up to snuff. Anyhow, got to go and make some dinner now, this has been on my mind since I read the comments yesterday and I just felt awful and wanted to explain...I hope i haven't made things worse.....