Wednesday, March 26, 2008


What does love mean to you? I am interested to know. To me it is beyond explaining, it just something that is. It makes my heart swell or sometimes hurt depending on the situation. It is what I feel about the three boys in the picture above, my boys all three of them.

I asked my twinks what love meant to them, this is their responses...

Twink #1 "love is when you make me a sandwich and cut off the crusts 'cause you know that is what i like, because I DON'T love crusts" LOL

Twink #2 "love is when you hug me and I hug you and even if you are mad at me because I was naughty you still say you love me...even though you are still cross" LOL

I would LOVE it if you could ask your little one's (or friends little ones) what love means to them. I think it is so cute and very interesting too.


At March 26, 2008 at 1:37 PM , Blogger Family Adventure said...

Okay, my kids are already in bed (it is late in Norway...) but I will ask them tomorrow. And I can't wait to read other comments. GREAT post :)


At March 27, 2008 at 7:34 AM , Blogger Mimi said...

Oh, great answers! My little one is 21 months old, and has just spontaneously started telling her toys that she "luffs" them: then she cradles them in her arms and tells them to be quiet and go to sleep. Um, so I guess love has to do with the quiet time in between bottle and crib, where I pat her and hug her and tell her to sleep all night ...

At March 27, 2008 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Melissa said...

oh gosh that melts my heart! you so need to write those down adn put them in their scrapbook or frame it in their rooms or soemthing. Super cute!

At March 28, 2008 at 1:39 PM , Blogger Don Mills Diva said...

"even if you are cross". I LOVE that expression. Darling.

At March 29, 2008 at 8:12 AM , Blogger BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

That is the BEST photo of the men in your life! Love it...definitely one to frame.

I asked my 5-year-old what she thought and she said, "Just love" and went back to watching Sponge Bob but I will cut her some slack since she has strep. ;)


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